Blog 14
An author is anyone who produces something written for the purpose of sharing with others. Labeling someone as an author has the implication that the person wishes to share what he/she has written with the public whether its for entertainment, education, or an opinion on a certain topic.
One question that came to mind when I was reading the "Everyone is a Author " section is that when were the blogs "dragged to the courts" as mentioned? Also do teenagers or others who writen blogs with poor English writing convention count as authors?
The document on public displays of connection argues that sites such as Linkedin are meant to be used as a way to expand one's network. People in today's age want to establish what is called a "reputation" and I agree with this fact because that is what going to school and working in jobs are for. People want the professional recognition from other professionals in the work subspace and feel that Linkedin and other similar sites are the key to it. However, I still believe most of the networking is not accomplished by simply posting your resume on Linkedin for everyone to see or even online messaging and email between clients. There is still a risk of accounts being fake or not being used properly so the perfect way to network is to meet in person and have meaningful conversations.
As for the Baron reading, I believe that blogs have made writing and being a author more easy and public. The content of the blog however tends to be less meaningful with usage of many slang and incorrect grammar conventions by teenagers. However, since these people are writing on blogs for the purpose of sharing to an audience, they would still be considered authors. Social networking sites have also evolved to become a label for people and a way to market ones self. However blogs and social networking sites have become more strictly regulated in schools and workplaces which I believe is necessary because since people have significantly more freedom to view and write what they want, there must be restrictions on the youth to prevent people for becoming immature or bullies.
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