Blog 3 Response to Murphy Reading
Why did it take several hundreds of years for the Greeks to realize the importance of writing? Wouldn't relying on oral communication only inevitably cause disagreements and disparities in the way it was taught to the future generation of students? It was difficult to understand the idea of "rhetoric" in the ancient societies. Also I was curious of Plato's passion for oral communication. The authors argument is that society should understand how writing has evolved as a technology since Greek society because the history of writing is just as important as the instruction of writing itself. I agree with this statement because it is important to have a holistic view of what society used to be like without writing. The change from teaching only nobles to write to standardizing the system so all classes could learn to write shows how society has evolved from one that is more aristocratic to one that is concerned about the education of everyone. This principle is still relevant today because there are still societies in today's world where only a small fraction of the population can write let alone be educated. If we understand how writing has changed in the past from a labor skill to an essential one, we can improve the instruction of writing in today's society. When the instruction of writing is improved, people will tend to be smarter and more productive in their respective societies.
At the beginning of this course, I do not find reading long texts that could otherwise be summarized in less than 5 pages of concise material. I also find it trouble to consistently contribute meaningful comments to a class discussion. However at the end of this course, I hope to gain an appreciation for the readings that the professor assigns and the arguments and discussions in class will not only augment my understanding of the content, but I will also grow as a social and professional speaker.