Blog 6 Response to "The Ruin" Poem

Image result for passage of time
Image result for acceptance
Image result for sad

I choose the first image because it shows how with time passing, all things come to an end. In the poem, the society described is originally illustrious, but it eventually ends. This poem is trying to convey that all good things never last for forever and humans should learn to accept that. This mentality is conveyed in the second pic as it shows a group of people united regardless of the color or personality. In the poem, it is accepted that all civilizations do not last forever, whether it is due to terrorism or natural disasters. The poem's tone isn't meant to evoke feelings for sympathy for those who suffered during the fall of the buildings, but rather learn to accept those disasters and move on. This emotion is also conveyed in the third image I selected as I felt this poem is not meant to make the reader feel extremely depressed or sad for a long period of time, but is rather focused on the good memories the inhabitants had, and shows that it was a good time while it lasted.


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