Blog 7

One question I had was when is it more useful to use a visual argument as opposed to a verbal one? Another one I had was when would a more verbal central argument be more effective? In this political cartoon, there is a poster with writing on it and in front of it are 4 children who look obese. In the US, the cultural context of this political cartoon is that there is a child obesity problem that is prevalent. In another country this message would not make as much sense especially also because of the "recruitment" poster being American in originality. The use of this figure obviously makes the point that the government wants people to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Ironically, the kids who are standing right in front of the poster are eating a corndog and drinking a high sugar content soft drink. The poster alone with the words is not enough to convey the message, but the idle of the children in reaction to the poster shows how many children have still ignored the call to end obesity. The poster represents the efforts by the US government to change, which are currently unsuccessful. Overall, I agree with the message as it shows the laziness of many Americans unwilling to change their health problems, not just childhood obesity.
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