Field Trip #1


This first image is located outside of the Student Center. The fact that it says “Welcome Back,” shows that the image is targeted at returning students. It is meant to appeal to students in that it imitates the style of a meme. In reality, many students will actually find it funny for the fact that someone is trying to impress them with the meme rather than laugh at the actual image itself. The fact that it is located right outside the student center shows that GT wants all its students to feel welcome. The message is clear and simple, but it could accomplish its purpose better.

WREK Radio Sign

This second image was taken at one of the corners of Tech Green. This sign is meant to have a professional style, showcasing the WREK radio station. It says it is celebrating 50 years of the radio in 2018, meant to relay the message that the radio is professional and successful. This is meant for anyone, and it hopes to bring in more people to listen to the intended radio station. When a viewer sees the sign, the first thing that he or she will notice is the fact that the person is in a studio. This will attract people with that type of interest, but others may want to learn more about the image and will continue to read the text.

Red Cross Sign

This third image was taken at another corner of Tech Green. This image of the sign for the American Red Cross blood drive was meant for anyone that can donate blood and wants to find out where. Because it is at Tech Green, the goal of the sign was to get as many people as possible to see it. Hopefully, this would bring more people to donate blood. The recognizable logo and bright red arrow immediately allow its audience to figure out the purpose of the sign. The sign uses its recognizable logo as an advantage. It is clear and concise with its purpose.


The fountain and campanile seek to provide a central spot on campus for people to gather at.  The giant spire in the center of the fountain gives off the impression that this is the center of the surrounding area.  There is amphitheater-like seating surrounding the fountain as well as tables and chairs. This spot was designed to be a good meeting place for people to come interact with each other.  The band plays at this location before every home football game, and every day, students meet here to talk with each other work on projects or to meet with faculty. Time after time, this is where people come together.  There is not really a way to cut through this area which makes it more of a destination that people actually go to not just walk by.

Olympic Torch Statue

The rendering of the olympic torch is located in the square by the Ferst theater and the student center. The representation is often misrepresented and thought of as something else, often something as simple as ice cream. The location of the torch between west campus and east and its proximity to the student center does mean that it was meant to be viewed but many of the students that walk through the area aren’t stricken by the symbolism it represents. This may be a result of misinterpretation, an inability to connect with something that occurred before their birth, or even a dissensitation to something they view every day. The purpose of the statue was probably to inspire and instill competition and globalizing by reminding the history that took place here, yet it doesn’t seem to have the desired effect.  

Message Board

The message board is located across from the Chick Fila restaurant in the Student Center and is crammed with many messages written by Georgia Tech Students. At the top of the board is clear text which states to refrain from writing anything that would be considered inappropriate to have in a public space. However, upon inspection of this board, it is evident that there are students who have violated this rule and have scribbled profanity. To someone who is simply viewing this board as he or she walks by to buy lunch, it may appear to be a big mess of multiple people’s handwritings and drawings. To those who take the time to read the board, they may discover sources of comedy and also confusing statements written long ago that may not be relevant today in the form of “memes”, which demonstrates how time can change the perceptions and meanings of statements written in spaces. There is no organized arrangement of the messages students have scribbled so different people may be drawn to different parts of the board for different reasons. For example, the number 7 may attract the attention of athletes who pass by thinking it may be describing a team or attract mathematicians simply because there is a number in a sea of a text.

Clough Garden

The Rooftop Garden is on top of the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons.  It is a nice place to go and do homework during the day and even get a sweet view of the Atlanta skyline.  This area is a nice place to connect with nature in the middle of an urban setting. From this picture's view, this place looks like a regular garden, but it really is up on a roof.  It's places like this that help make Georgia Tech seem a little more green and rural and less dense and urban. It is always pretty quiet up here despite the fact that Georgia Tech is in the middle of the city.  The quietness of the rooftop garden makes it a nice place for students to study in peace.

Rosa Parks Statue

The Rosa Parks Statue is located in Harrison Square right next to Tech Tower. The statue is arranged where Rosa Parks' younger self is across from her older self.  The statue makes Harrison Square memorable rather than just another green square on Georgia Tech's campus. The orientation of the two Rosa Parks makes this place seem like an ideal location to come discuss something since the two Rosa Parks look as if they are talking with each other.   This statue represents Rosa Park's huge impact on the Civil Rights Movement. I feel it was also put here not only as a tribute to her but to represent diversity. It serves as a reminder that Georgia Tech is a diverse campus with people of all kinds and from all over the world.


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